Fifth Anniversary Stories Numbers are important, because every number has a name. Every name has a story. Every story matters to God. This isn’t for a few, this is for EVERYONE!
From skeptic to believer, they found community Dylan and Nikki grew up with little church background, and Nikki believed Christians were judgmental and unaccepting. Through their relationship, God pursued each of them, and they overcame skepticism and their past to...
I was addicted to alcohol but now I’m giving hope to others Joe turned to alcohol to silence his anger and anxiety, and he was damaging his health and relationships. After becoming a part of a 12-step program, Joe gave his life to Christ and is now leading a...
From an alcoholic family and past, Jesus has transformed her life Claudia grew up in an alcoholic home where everyone left her, and she blamed Jesus for it. She eventually became an alcoholic herself. Later in life, she told Jesus he had to take this from her because...
My marriage failed and I wasn’t “perfect” so I walked away April tried to live up to the standard of a “perfect” Christian, and after a failed marriage where she realized that wasn’t possible, she walked away. God led her back to...
How Jesus cleared out my partying lifestyle and filled me up Ron lived a life full of partying, but he was empty. One day, Jesus cleared the junk out of his life and washed it away, and now he is living in freedom while serving others.